Welcome to strum patterns!
Thanks for visiting StrumPatterns.com!
This site has loads of rhythms for you to play no matter if you're looking to learn guitar strumming, mandolin strumming, ukulele strumming, banjo strumming or whatever other instrument you can strum. All the patterns you could want for learning strumming patterns are right here! Not to mention if you're looking to improve your strumming technique, there will be plenty for you to listen to and learn, so I'm excited and hope you are too!
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If you find the site useful and have the means to, consider contributing to help cover the costs of the site. I'm hoping to get a second video camera soon to get better close up shots instead of using my phone. Even just a couple bucks can go along ways to keeping everything on the site free. But even if you can't, please enjoy the site!
There are several sections to this site. The Strums area is a collection of different strum patterns. This area is just a collection of strum patterns. If you are looking to learn how to use the patterns check out the tutorials section. I will be trying to add one new rhythm here every week.
The Tutorials section is where you will learn the basics to strumming, how to combine different patterns, different ways of using your right hand, how to get the best sound out of your guitar, and more! Also check out the Rhythm Primer, which is a set of 13 lessons to take you from a rookie to a competent rhythm guitarist.
In the Songs section you'll find tutorials on how to play specific songs on the guitar.
Check out the Gear section to read about useful music software for your computer, capos, picks, effects and anything else you might buy for your guitar.
In the Contact area you can make suggestions, ask about the strum patterns used in your favorite songs, or read about me and listen to some of my music. Also PLEASE let me know if you find any broken links, spelling and grammatical mistakes, or other problems you have with the site. This site is for you, so I want it to be as good as it can be!